Tuesday, December 11, 2007

bulbo oh bulbo...

ini prtanyaan-prtanyaan ga penting,, dptnya dari bulbo alias buletin board Friendster...

hmmm,, harusnya sih in aku lg ngerjain PSP,, nyari2 bahan buat teori, bla bla bla... huff... tapiiii... bukan kiki namanya kalo g pake nylimur *baca:mengalihkan perhatian..halahh* :D

bgitulaahh.. akhir2 ini disibukkan sm kerjaan-kerjaan kampus yg kayaknya mkin hari g makin enteng tapi makin numpuk. *yoh jelas, wong ga dikerja-kerjain.. ^^'*
ya udah yuukk.. isi bulbo ajaahh....

the LAST:
1. Last cigarette: Djarum Black Cappucino,, cm sehisepan pas jaman awal-awal kuliah dan langsung muntah2... ga akan lagi deh.. ampuun.. ^^'
2. Last beverage: air putih
3. Last phone call: Uthek
4. Last text message: aswin
5. Last CD played: Ari

List THREE favorite colors
1. dark blue
2. red
3. black *for sure :D*

TWO things you want to do before you die :
1. ngngng... kembali ke jalan yang benar alias tobat.. :D
2. get married

have you so FAR IN 07…
Been to school : was

Made a new friend :

Done something you swore never to do :
hmm.. iyaaahh... huaa.. :(

Laughed until you cried :
yes, especially because of Mr. Popo. :D

Met someone who changed your life :

Gotten close to someone :
yes. :D

Found out who your true friends were :

Do you have a crush?
not a crush anymore.. :D

Who is the best hugger that you
kawan2 ESQ... and frying pan, absolutely. :D

Do you believe in love at first sight?
not really,, itu cm nafsu sesaat...

Is there something you want to tell someone?
now? hmm..nothing..

What brand of shirt are you wearing?
i'm not wearing shirt... *lohloh.. jgn mikir aneh2.. lg pake daster iniih.. baju kebesaran.. huekekekek.. :p*

Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
for sure...

Do you have “A thing” for anyone on your top friends?
opo iki maksudtee... jawab yes ajalah.. :D

How many people on your top friends?
5+3+3+1+2=12 :)

How many kids do you want to have?
4.. huekekekkek... biar rame.. :p

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Do you wanna change your name?
not at all

What did you do for your last birthday?
nonton "Maaf, Saya Menghamili Istri Anda" ;)

What time did you wake up today?
8 a.m :D

What were you doing at midnight last night?
ngngngngngngngn.......... skip! :D

Name something you CANNOT wait to do?
PKL ke JOGJAA... yay!

Last time you saw your dad?
*haduh,, pertanyaan yang sensitif...* terakhir tanggal 1 desember... huhuh.. kangen.. :'(

What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
so far i love myself so much... *narsis mode : on*

Which hand do you like better?

What are you listening to right now?
suara gemericik air akuarium... *halah,,mellow amet..*

Have you ever talked to Tom?
yees.. Mr. Tom, my conversation teacher..

Have you ever donated money to a good cause?
yes, i have

Have you ever talked about someone behind their back?
surely,. *smiling like devil*

Favorite month?
JUNE... you know why, lah... :p

What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
bukan minjem,, tp dipinjemi... baju kebaya bwt terima tamu.. :D

Who’s getting on your nerves right now?
a lot! PSP,, KONTES,, PD3,, KONSELING,, :((

Most visited webpage?
yahoo,, google,, friendster

Would you help your best friend fight if he/she is losing?
yup,, that's what friends are for kan?

Coke or Pepsi?
lemon tea. :D

What’s the worst day of your life?
everyday is a wonderful day... heleh.. ngomong ajaa... :p

Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past month?

Do you think there’s some models/peopl e out there, that should lose a few pounds?
don't care... :p


Anonymous said...

Hayooo... Dah bandel ya?
Mulai ngerokok...

Hihihi... :D

Puputse said...

du paling males tuh kalo ngerjain pertanyaan di buletin,,,
km rajin juga yah :D

kiki said...

@praditya: ga lagi kook.. kapok.. nyesel bgt2.. :D

@puput: haluu... kawan baruu.. :)
iyah,, emg lg g ada krjaan.. ^^v

Cempluk Story said...

Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past month?
:D > nah kok malah ketawa..hayu..udah blm..hehehehe *kabur*

cunx said...

"What were you doing at midnight last night?
ngngngngngngngn.......... skip! :D"

"Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past month?

Do you think there’s some models/peopl e out there, that should lose a few pounds?
don't care... :p"

pertanyaan mayaks..

i`m beeeeeeeek...

lingga murni andarini said...

haha :D mau nyoba nulis di bulbo ah! oia, dapet pertanyaan nya dr mana? lagi ga ada kerjaan nih.. hahaha. reply yya

lingga murni andarini said...

haha :D mau nyoba nulis di bulbo ah! oia, dapet pertanyaan nya dr mana? lagi ga ada kerjaan nih.. hahaha. reply yya